Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Keeping up with Technology

I had hoped to include some information and a bit more info dealing with different sources for keeping up with technology in my talk, but it became so long that I needed to hack it down.

I was kind of suprised how difficult it was to find information about classroom technology could be. There were several problems and difficulties that I encountered.

Database searching:

I found that most of the descriptors and subject terms that I found in thesauri from ERIC, Ebsco, Education FullText and ProQuest were very broad when it came to this subject and included a lot of extraneous material - K-12 software reviews, equipment for distance learning - that was outside of what I was looking for - classroom technology.

I had better luck using keyword searches.

The rub, though, was that many of these technologies had many different names, like the laundry list of names for clickers.

Be prepared to search with many keywords with technologies.

I found a few sites from magazines and associations to be very promising:

Educause (
is an association devoted to IT and higher education. They talk about clasroom technology a fair amount.

Campus Technology ( also was helpful.

National clearinghouse for educational facilities (

I had prepared more, but I think that these sources would give you a good start.

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